Develop your students’ growth mindset and SEL skills with Brainology, a program with engaging animated video lessons, and classroom lesson plans and activities.

A recent DOE-funded efficacy study showed that Brainology increased students’ growth mindset, challenge-seeking, and persistence, with promising impacts on STEM grades for key subgroups of students. *Also available in Spanish*

$499 per class set (30 student licenses) 

$4,499 Site license (1 school site per academic year)

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Based on the ground-breaking research of Drs. Carol Dweck and Lisa Blackwell, Brainology® is a curriculum designed to teach students the understanding that their intelligence and abilities are not fixed and can be developed through effort.

When students develop a growth mindset, they gain confidence in their ability to learn. They take on challenges and work hard to learn more and get smarter, and they are more resilient when they encounter difficulty, leading to higher achievement in school.

Brainology is a fun, engaging program that shows students how their brains – like their muscles – become stronger with effort and practice. With the help of animated characters Chris, Dahlia, and Dr. Cerebrus, students learn about how the brain functions and learns, along with healthy habits, study techniques, self-regulation strategies, and other essential non-cognitive skills that help them to become effective learners. Then they deepen their knowledge and apply it to their own experience through classroom lessons, housed in the Brainology Educator Resource Center. 

Brainology® Program Introduction Video
  • 4-5 grade students
  • Both high and low-achieving students
  • Students in a full range of educational settings
  • Educators receive:
    • Six months access to the online Educator Resource Center where the student curriculum, lesson plans, assessments, answer keys, student activities and videos are housed.
    • 1 educator per class set purchased is provided access. Access for additional educators require purchasing additional class sets or a minimum of 15 individual student licenses (per additional educator). Contact us for adding access for additional eductors.

  • An internet connection is all that is required to access the Educator Resource Center.

Interested in site-wide student work or whole-school culture building?

  • Brainology Site License: $4,499 (for one school site)
  • For multi-program or multi-year school-wide culture change see our SchoolKit packages.
  • Contact Us for more info on a Site License


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